About Lady A

Lady's Baking Lair saw the light in 2014. I have written blogs ever since 2008 but this is my first one only in English.

I love traditional Finnish recipes but I also enjoy recipes from all over the world. I especially love Greece and Italy but I have a soft spot for many other countries as well. I also like to create new recipes. This and the fact that my friend asked me to give her traditional Finnish recipes made me start this blog.

I am a mother of three wonderful children and a wife to a wonderful man whom I met over 20 years ago.  I like to surprise them by baking some treats and I generally love being a homemaker and taking care of my family. I am a carer for two of my special needs children. 

The recipes I write here are either found years ago, created in my very own kitchen or being passed to me by my friends or relatives. Every recipe is dear to me in its own way but some recipes are even more dear. The recipe with history attached to it -  it always makes a difference.

Besides baking and cooking I enjoy writing, reading, photographing and gardening.  We grow part of our food in our garden which can sometimes be really challenging since we actually live on a big rock and in most parts there is only very little soil on it. That's why we have build raised beds to grow vegetables and it's amazing how much you can grow in pots and other containers too.

I am also very interested in history and historical clothing. I am sure that to some people part of my wardrobe looks like a costume store.

I like good quality ingredients - that's one of the reasons I like to choose organic if the option is available. Many times it is. I hardly use any food dyes. In some occasions when I really need to dye something  I like  to use colors from vegetables and such. Beetroot is one of my favorites. Luckily traditional Finnish baking does not require food dyes. It is the modern party cakes and cupcakes that cause so much trouble when baking.

I also enjoy when my kitchen produces as little waste as possible. Wasting perfectly good ingredients is bad for the environment and not good for the budget either. So baking and cooking needs to be done with respecting the ingredients and using all the parts possible.  Less waste = better cooking.

We moved to this house in 2007  and the saddest down side was that there is no cellar. Even today we still don't have it but I keep hoping that the following years will change that. After all I did get my first real greenhouse in 2021 and I had wished one for pretty much all my adult life. 

I hope you will have just as much fun reading Lady's Baking Lair as I will have writing it. Feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line ladyarianwen@gmail.com or meet me in Mastodon

I hope you enjoy your visit.