I like malted flours. You can do so many things with them and special Easter time treat called mämmi is made by using malted rye flours. It is delicious even though it does look like something you can find in baby's diapers. Still, if you ever have a chance to taste mämmi I say go for it! It's really worth it.
This bread was so good that my family ate half of the bread I had baked before I could take the photos. I had other two breads too but I had already frozen them so I was left with this little piece to deal with. Luckily there was still something left so that I did not need to shoot just the crumbs. :)

550-600 grams (1.2125 - 1.3228 lb) sourdough starter
appr. 1100 grams (2.4251 lb) water
1100-1200 grams (2.4251 - 2.6455 lb) rye flour
800 grams (1.7637 lb) malt flour (I used malted rye flour)
1. Mix the sourdough started, lukewarm water, salt and malted flours. Mix.
2. Add almost all of the rye flour and start kneading. Add more flours if needed. Bake 3 breads.
3. Let the bread leaven in a warm place, under a baking towel for about 6-9 hours (depends on the room temperature)
4. Then bake them in the 250 °C (480°F) for about 15 minutes and then lower the temperature to 200 °C (400°F) and bake them 60 to 75 minutes more.